Early on, Soros-backed NY prosecutor Alvin Bragg agreed with others that there was no case against Trump. Now, he’s flipped 180-degrees, charging Trump with a misdemeanor for the crime of paying “hush” money to Stormy. No Democrat has ever been charged for doing the exact same thing. Bragg has let murderers, rapists, and other worst of the worst criminals off the hook and/or released many of them from prison early. It is preposterous!

Democrats have lost their minds!! They’re using police state (communist) tactics against a political opponent, who happens to be on to them. Sadly, they’d rather be in bed with the devil than doing what they were elected to do … keep Americans safe! Seemingly, Democrats have no concern that their puppet (Biden) and his family accepted $$-millions from Communist China and Russia, the USA’s top two adversaries. They’ve also accepted money from Ukraine. Payback could get Americans killed. The Trump/Stormy deal won’t.