As soon as one anti-Trump, Fake News story (FN … owned by Leftists) pops-up, for which Trump is found innocent, another one is cleverly invented. For years, FN (owned by Trump haters) parroted one lie after another, using words like “white supremist”, “unindicted co-conspirator”, “racist” and worse. Even though they know the truth, FN juices-up the anti-Trump endless narratives, without an ounce of evidence. FN has parroted baseless accusations, every minute of everyday ad nauseum. Repetition, whether it is true or false, is believable for uninformed people.

It’s hard to believe that 7 years later, after they’ve thrown everything imaginable at him, they continue to create something else. Now, the Soros-backed judge of a small borough in NY, had pro-Trump evidence thrown in his face yesterday (March 22, 2023). History will not be kind to him. But stand by. He’s trying to make another run at Trump … as soon as he can conjure it. Meanwhile, FN ignores the actual evidence, such as that against real criminals. Stay tuned!