While in Ukraine, Biden announced that U.S. taxpayers would send at least an additional $500,000 in financial aid and military equipment, including howitzer rounds, anti-tank missiles and air surveillance radar. Putin threatened “nukes” (WWIII) if the U.S. didn’t quit helping Ukraine. It’s anyone’s guess if he would actually do it. But, just mentioning such a horrific scenario should be enough to require a bit of attention. Putin and XI, as does the rest of the world, see “weak” after Biden’s Afghanistan debacle and Obama’s reneging on his “red line” in Syria.

Russia and the U.S. combined have more than 13,000 nuclear arsenals. Montana is home to hundreds of silos, launch facilities, warheads and Minute Men3 ICBM bases. Many are in and around Malmstrom Air Base (Great Falls). One is on Butcher Ranch (Winifred, MT). If detonated, it alone could demolish an entire city. Others are in ND, CO, WY and on the Great Plains. The Air Force chose those places because they are “big, wide and sparsely populated”. So, what gives? Why didn’t the Pentagon and White House geniuses shoot-down Communist China’s balloon while it was over the Pacific, instead of letting it hover over America’s nuclear sites from “sea to shining sea”?

How is it possible that Democrats continue to support Biden’s mindless, dangerous administration? It is not “America First”! Ask Democrat representatives of both Houses of Congress why they are not protecting Americans? It’s their job! In MT, that would be Sen. Jon Tester (202-224-2644).