Lame Duck House Democrats will use every dirty trick in the book to cling to power, “population control” and donor-enrichment. Good people, beware! Even though they’ve yet to spend $-billions from their last $-trillions in spending sprees, they want still more for their big donors … teachers unions, pseudo climate-change-believers, Soros, lobbyists, Communist Chinese chip makers and Planned Parenthood. Spending causes inflation … period!

Only strong, conservative leaders, like Trump or DeSantis, can right the Demo-rats’ ship-mess. They have immense strengths and are unafraid of standing up against corruption and the unhinged, radical left, which want more lockdowns and Covid emergency madness. Biden has already, secretly, deceptively extended Democrats’ “Covid emergency” until March.

Meanwhile, Obama, their Liar-in-Chief, is in Georgia, campaigning for Warnock, who has a rap sheet for domestic violence. What happened to the Democrats’ “Me Too, Believe the Woman” mantra?

Obama, convincingly, claims that Republicans, like Herschel Walker, want to eliminate Medicare and Social Security. When Democrats have nothing else, that, and screaming “racist!” are their big lies! It’s gaslighting. Telling people not to believe what they’ve seen on tv nightly for two years showing what’s really happening at the US/MX border. Sadly, gullibles believe whatever lie Obama spews. Tell Democrats to stop this destruction of America. In MT, that would be Tester at 202-224-2644.