The foreign policy global views of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama differed, but they did share (and still do) one common conviction: that other countries longed for U.S. leadership globally.

Clinton allowed Communist Chinese access to an abandoned, cargo-delivery- equipped, naval base on a California port. He and Hillary wanted One World Order (OWO), mostly for the purpose of increasing the coffers of their “Clinton Global Initiative”. If one of them was President, it worked nicely for them.

Both Bush presidents naively believed that allies would always rally to the side of the U.S., because they shared America’s goals and had faith in its motives. Other countries would always look to the U.S. for global leadership.

Obama believed that the U.S. should listen more closely to other nations (apologizing when it did not). He stressed common, global interests and favored multinational action with the U.S. in command … diplomatically, not militarily.

They all liked the idea of global power and money. But they discovered that in a globalized world, power is widely dispersed and that countries look to the U.N. and anti-U.S. organizations, such as Council on Foreign Relations, for direction and to the U.S. for easy, godfather-like money. For globalists, Pres. Trump was a thorn in their side. Steadfastly, his number one goal was, and still is, to “Make America Great Again”!