The definition of “gaslighting” is trying to convince “people” false narratives, when the truth can be seen with their own eyes. Every day, globally, people see on television caravans of haggard, unvetted illegals crossing the Rio Grande into America. Border Patrollers say there are thousands of “got-aways” as well. They hate all Americans and would like nothing better than to poison every one of them with fentanyl. They are heartless sex-traffickers. They sell children for sex slaves and body parts.

Yet, it is astounding that every Demo-rat ignores the monumental inhumanity of it all. On Nov. 15th, under oath, Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, lied to Congress by reiterating his incompetence and disgusting mantra, “the border is secure”! His job is simple … keep Americans safe! Imagine if Trump lied that blatantly! Will Mayorkas’s home be raided? Will he be held in contempt for lying to Congress, fired, impeached or tried for TREASON? Will Democrats continue to inflict horrific endangerment upon those whom they are paid to protect? Every legal citizen should immediately demand that their Democrat representative(s) stand-up against this monstrous, unAmerican evil! In Montana, that would be Tester (202-224-2644).