During Bill’s campaign, he and Hillary were invited to a Bilderberg meeting. Do their bidding and 8 years stay in the Oval Office would be guaranteed. Hubris blocked them from knowing that they were merely Bilderberg puppets.

Bush was one as well. He supported Bill’s anti-American NAFTA, growing the military-industrial complex, spurring-on Blackwater mercenaries and gave Halli-burton no-bid government contracts for Iraq’s oil infrastructure. As a member of Skull & Bones, he promoted One World Order’s globalization.

Obama’s campaign promise was to “fundamentally change America”. His oratory skills, arrogance and desire for money, were the perfect ingredients for an easily- controlled, Bilderberg puppet. Bilderbergs made sure that Obama was elected. His 2/23/2009 U.N. speech said it all, “The time has come for the world to move in a new direction.” He went on to tout globalization and apologized for the U.S. “alienating the world” and “amassing money”.

Trump “upset the apple cart”. He cleaned-up the puppets’ messes, accepted no salary, wanted simply to “Make America Great Again” and will always remain a patriot. He had to be, and still must be, destroyed. When asked “what was the hardest part of being President?”, he replied, “staying alive”.

The Bilderberg Plan is world domination. Joe is currently their Trojan Horse. Other good empty suits would be Fetterman and Warnock. It’s chilling!