Will Putin nuke Ukraine? Lloyd Austin, the guy who gave $86-million worth of U.S. weaponry to the Taliban and left behind tens of thousands of Americans and allies in Afghanistan, said recently, “Putin could follow-through on threats”. That’s comforting! Gen. Petraeus’ take was “if he does, we’ll take-out Russia’s black Sea fleet and all of his military installations”.

So, who is Biden listening to … Austin, global puppeteers or amateurish advisors like Ron Klein and Susan Rice? Pentagon spokesman Kirby says, “nothing has changed in our deterrent measures.” What deterrent measures?! Blowing-up the Nord Stream pipeline? It doesn’t help that half of the country … people, who watch fake news … have no idea what’s going on. But, even if they did, name one Democrat who would stand-up for We the People. None of this would be happening if Trump were President.

While Putin was hacking Hillary’s loosey-goosey, unsecured Blackberry, the Key-stone Cops were busy falsely accusing Trump/Putin of “colluding” about some-thing. Putin knew all about Hunter Biden’s flying under the radar from 2013-2018, compromising Obama and Biden … accepting $25-million from Moscow’s first lady, $11-million from Ukraine’s corrupt Burisma and Biden’s quid pro quo with Poroshenko. All Putin had to do was patiently for Obama’s third term.