Biden, Democrats, Defense Secretary Austin and Joint Chief of Staff Miley, left behind tens of thousands of Americans and allies with their botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. They did not honor a sworn promise to leave no one behind … period! One year later (August 2022), those arrogant, American traitors remain unapologetic and, seemingly, don’t care. Recently, Biden coldly asked “what more interest do we have in Afghanistan?” Shameful! Inhumane!

Why would interpreters and local spies ever again want to help Americans? Demon-ocrats, even now, could challenge Biden and save lives. Impeachment, resignation/firing and court martial, aren’t good enough for Biden, Austin and Miley. They should be tried for war crimes and treason. Democrats are despicable for doing nothing. And now, they are “leading” America’s involvement in Ukraine!

“Operation Pineapple” began during the last days before Afghanistan fell to the vicious Taliban, a terrorist group that continues to kill, rape and torture tens of thousands of Americans, their allies and families … sometimes using the $billions worth of taxpayer-bought, U.S. military equipment, which traitors Austin, Biden and Miley left behind.

This Pineapple task force is comprised of brave, patriotic volunteers, who are mostly retired Special Forces. Under cover of darkness, they undertake daring rescue missions into Taliban-infested areas. Why would interpreters and others want to help Americans again, knowing that we will betray them? Some of them had worked with American forces for a decade. It is slow going; sometimes only one person at a time is rescued. On August 30th, Scott Mann’s book called “Operation Pineapple Express” debuts.