The Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act (aka Green New Deal) hurts everyone, especially taxpayers at any level of income. Democrats, including Jon Tester (202-224-2644), blithely sold everyday Americans down the river! Not a single Republican voted for it. It is galling that Democrats are insulting their constituents with clever talking points. Its phony title is another Democrat Party’s bait-&-switch, Alinsky schemes. It is the biggest climate and new taxes bill in history. More spending and higher taxes will not reduce debt, inflation or the number of illegals, who are bankrupting American systems.

Remember the Democrats’ promise for “No new taxes for people making less than $400,000/year”? Biden kicked-off inflation when he (not Putin) cancelled the XL Pipeline, Anwar’s oil field and other American energy successes, all the while supporting a pipeline from Germany to Russia. Costs at the pump doubled for all Americans, killing Trump’s $2/gallon. Higher energy costs mean higher costs for products transported by trucks and ships … more inflation!

As Democrats like to say, 87,000 more auditors will find more money to pay for their anti-American, climate-monstrosity. Contrary to their talking-points, more low-income American individuals and mom-&-pop shops will be hit with audits. Plus, it grows the IRS into a huge police state. The job posting for new agents lists “carry a firearm and be ready to use deadly force, if necessary” as a prerequisite. Every Democrat, including Tester, voted-down a Republican amendment that would have prevented auditing individuals and small businesses who have less than $400,000 income. More spending and higher taxes