Los Angeles schools’ curriculum is set to give lessons on “privilege” and “intersectionality”. Got “privilege”? Then, that school system is about to vilify you. It comes under the category of “Human Relations, Diversity and Equity”. It is just the latest of what’s coming … “Critical Race Theory, Racism, K-12 Education, SCOTUS and “What Can We Do About Gun Violence?” Remember, the son-in-law of Merrick Garland, the illustrious, arrogant Attorney General, who called for the RAID on Mar-A-Lago, is the one who owns a company which created and began selling CRT 15-20 years ago … hmmmmm, no compromised-AG there!

Privilege 101 defines different types of privilege, such as “white privilege”, “heterosexual privilege”, “religious privilege”, “gender privilege” and “able-bodied prividege”. It includes various identity categories, highlighting race, sexual orientation, nationality, disability and gender. The second-most populous school district has also teamed-up with Planned Parenthood. It has a LGBT club for four-year-olds and promotes sexual identity. In Minneapolis, the teachers’ union will layoff white teachers before “educators of color”.

These are all Democrats’ plans. It is coming … faster to some states than others. If you want to stop it before it gets to your school district, contact your Democrat “representatives” [as they like to call themselves] in both houses of Congress.