What Biden and the Democrats are doing purposefully is exactly how Communism seeps quietly into a country. First, they change the vocabulary … woke, new pronouns, “transition”, doxing, birthing person, “woman”, etc. Black is white, up is down, down is up, trans and a man can have babies … all to rachet-up chaos and confusion. They spend, raise taxes and ignore inflation. “Recession” has always meant “2 quarters of negative growth”! Bill Clinton and Obama defined it as that. So, today (7/29/2022), when the 2nd quarter report showed “no growth”, they informed us, the little people, that the definition for “recession” has changed. We’re waiting with bated breath for its new meaning!

Next, even more serious “population control” begins … more never-ending pandemics, health “emergencies”, lockdowns, “cancel culture”, destroying America’s oil/gas/coal/agriculture/ranching industries and seizing property, are just the beginning. It will get worse from here … good-bye 1st and 2nd Amendments. They’ll keep the 14th Amendment by parroting the word “insurrection” to enhance the preposterous Jan. 6th Committee’s efforts to imprison Trump … never mind that the word “insurrection” includes martial law and worse. They’ll give “insurrection” a new definition. The 25th Amendment is an option for getting rid of Biden. Who knows what the plan for getting rid of Kamala will be. Does “President Pelosi” have a nice ring to it?

So, who’s “they” (aka Swamp rats)? “They” are tens of thousands of D.C. bureaucrats, Blue State mayors, governors and congressional reps, as well as ex-Obama West Wingers such as Susan Rice, Samantha Powers and Ron Klain. “They” includes big donors, lobbyists, Democrat millionaires/billionaires, Big Pharma, Central Bankers, big foundations, Silicon Valley and even the Squad. Call Democrats and tell them to “knock it off” (as Obama would say to America’s adversaries). In Montana, that would be Jon Tester (202-224-2644).