Bilderberg members (80 of the world’s most powerful) and their occasional guests (such as Obama) comprise the world’s most exclusive, secret club. When “Bill” was a guest in 1991, David Rockefeller told him that NAFTA was a Bilderberg priority. The next year Clinton was elected President.

The group’s grand design is One World Order (OWO) with a single marketplace, one global Central Bank, global currency and global policing (U.N. army). Chaos, multiple crises, controlled education, no individual rights, rubber-stamped regulations, stagflation, global open borders, economic/political unions, population control (including no middle class), perpetual wars and tension, are essential to OWO. A “free world press” will disseminate “agreed-upon propaganda”, “giving people, not what they want, but what they ought to have.” Sound familiar?

Woodrow Wilson’s Federal Reserve Act created money-creation power to bankers and ratified the 16th Amendment to create a federal income tax. Other U.S. income sources are major foundations, such as Gates, Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Trilateral Commission are influential Bilderberg participants. In fact, the U.N. began with a group of CFR members.

Trump interrupted their timetable and objectives. Powerful elitists want him gone! When asked, “what was his hardest task as president?”, he answered, “staying alive”.