The goal of our Founding Fathers was to make “a more perfect union”. A garden that is not managed properly: water, fertilizer, sunshine, and room to grow; will die. A nation dies if citizens are not permitted the resources and freedom needed to grow and prosper. When power-seeking people, ie. crafty politicians, lobbyists, puppeteers, squads, fake news, big tech, swamp rats, Brandon, are allowed to run government as they please (disagree and you’re cancelled!), a mismanaged nation will suffer ruin and despair, soon followed by a painful death.

Power always generates tyranny and everyday people suffer, losing their right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Watch out when it is not “of the people, by the people and for the people”. According to Constitutionalists, both Democrat and Republican, the SCOTUS leaked draft is masterfully written and is more about jurisdiction than abortion. If, as it appears, the finished product will be an opportunity to return the abortion debate to the states. There, both sides should be happy.

One size doesn’t fit 50 states. That’s why there is a Tenth Amendment. “powers not delegated to the U.S. by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”. It brings it closer to a shared-beliefs venue. Perhaps, it would even shut-up hypothetical nonsense, such as “if they can get away with overturning Roe, then they can make gay marriages illegal”, etc.