Someone, who cares about Biden and America, needs to get him out of the White House. Democrats knew he was in deep dementia when they slid him into the Oval Office. He’s the perfect Trojan Horse for their stated goal to fundamentally “change” America. It’s worse than “change”; it’s destruction and treason. Their cabal turns a blind eye to Biden’s disability and the catastrophic disaster they created. Blood is on their hands.

When they return to work, call House and Senate Democrats. In MT, that means Tester (202-224-2644)! They need to fix the horrors they have wrought. Put everything back the way Trump had it … especially America’s energy independence. Get rid of AOC’s Green New Deal and retrieve the XL pipeline (8 months to completion). Democrats know they are complicit; if not, they are flat-out stupid!

Big Tech, Fake News, FBI and the rest of their ilk are as guilty as Democrats. Before the 2020 election, they covered-up Biden’s dementia, Hunter’s laptop, Hillary’s long list of criminality (including her bought and paid for Russia/Trump hoax), Merrick Garland’s son-in-law’s CRT curriculum, Paul Pelosi Jr’s Dominion machines, annihilation of “due process” (ask the Bundy family and Pelosi’s prisoners in solitary confinement).

Icing on the cake for North Korea, Iran, Russia and China, was the Democrats’ botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine would never have happened on Trump’s watch.