During the 2014 invasion of Ukraine, Hunter did business with oligarchs in Russia, Ukraine and China. Even as his unethical behavior unravels, Fake News and Big Tech refuse everyday people access to clear evidence, which amounted to several “clear and present dangers” for the American people. Hunter aggressively campaigned with elitists, who had interests in Biden’s policymaking in all three countries to score $-millions. He got to the countries via Air Force Two, accompanying his dad. Again, there is proof positive that Uncle James, Jill and Joe profited by Hunter’s money laundering and other illegal activities. The FBI, Fake News and Big Tech had access to all of it before the 2020 presidential election and covered it up.

Hunter received a high-paying position ($50,000/mo.-to-$80,000/mo.) from the Ukrainian oligarch, Mykola Zlochesky”, who owned Burisma Holdings. Note: the then president of Ukraine was not Zelensky.

In 2015, Hunter arranged an invitation for Russian oligarchs, Yelena Baturina and her husband, to an “intimate dinner” in D.C. with Joe. The list of unethical, if not illegal, quid quo pros, all with his dad’s involvement, are many.

What will come of it? Who knows?! Joe said that he and Obama agreed that their children should be off-limits. Okay. So, leave alone Don, Jr. and Trump’s other children. Just imagine what Democrats would have done to Don Jr. if he had done even a smidgen of what Hunter did!