Despite numerous crises, the three stooges (Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler) spend their time on Jan. 6, 2021 shenanigans. Discounting three RINOs, Republicans are not allowed to participate or even to view 14,000-plus feet of video tape from that day. The committee’s goal is simple … destroy Trump so badly that he can never again run for President. To say that Pelosi hates Trump is an understatement.

Jan. 6 witnesses should be: #1 Pelosi (she excused herself); #2 Capitol Police Chief (Pelosi forbids it); #3 Pelosi’s “plant”, who killed unarmed Ashlee Babbitt at point-blank range in cold blood. She declared him innocent of any charges; #4 Ray Epps, who screamed by megaphone for protestors to breech the capitol (he’s vanished); #5 It will never happen … Representatives from Antifa and Black Lives Matter (Soros sponsored) … terrorist groups, which led the charge.

Contrary to Pelosi’s narrative that, Jan. 6th was an “insurrection” and a “blood bath”, leaks claim that no one was armed. Although it is one person too many, unarmed Ashlee Babbitt was the only person killed. One officer had a heart attack; one officer killed himself; and Officer Sickness died of “natural causes” (so says D.C.’s medical examiner) without a bruise on his body (Fake News reported that protestors beat him to death with a fire extinguisher … staged it beautifully).

Days earlier, Trump signed-off on 20,000 national guard troops for Pelosi’s use on Jan. 6th. A riot-inciter would not do that. She refused. Why? She didn’t want a peaceful protest. Why have National Guard there, when embedded agitators would better fit her narrative? She threw dozens of peaceful protestors into solitary confinement without due process. They are still there. It was preplanned. It is inhumane, if not “torture”. It is not American. Democrats are so desperate to prove that Trump planned something sinister, they are willing to lie and abuse innocent American Patriots.