The Radical Left, led by AOC and The Squad, is committed to shutting down conservative voices in America in an all-out assault on First Amendment rights. As soon as they’ve achieved that goal, the Second Amendment will fall. There is no secret about it. They said it out loud during 2020 campaigning!

The only silver lining on draconian lockdowns was that parents, who have blithely assumed that K-12 curriculum was unbiased and pro-American, woke-up! Nothing has energized them as much as the shocking abuse of taxpayer dollars, which have been used to spread the hateful, unamerican “Marxist Critical Race Theory”. Worse yet, it was, and continues to be, marketed by the U.S. Attorney General’s son-in-law! It’s obscene. If it is not treason, it should be.

Next, Americans, with eyes more open, had serious allegations against the U.S. Defense Department for indoctrination at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

Brave Americans, who questioned what in the heck was going on, were penalized. Some were hauled out of Education Board meetings and some in the military were fired … for expressing his or her own beliefs. It is time for everyone to stand-up against the Left’s schemes to stifle freedom and anyone (conservatives), who do not agree with AOC and her gang of anti-Americans. Even middle-Dems are caving to their demands. Call Democrat representatives and express your approval or disgust. In Montana, that would be Jon Tester at 202-224-2644).