Only global elites know who is pulling Biden’s strings or, for that matter, who pulled Obama’s strings. Since the current administration is full of socialist retreads from Obama’s reign, some call it “Obama’s Third Term”. Ironically, Obama has no idea that he was, and still is, just as much a puppet as Biden. The only thing that “We the People” know is that whoever is, and was, doing it, is not motivated by “America First”. It is a dangerous time for every day, hard-working Americans, who are dependent on elected Democrats to represent them and, seemingly, are afraid to contact them. In Montana, that would be Jon Tester at 202-224-2644.

None of “this” would be happening if Trump was still President. What’s “this”? … skyrocketing inflation, energy dependence, lockdowns, business closings, mandates, open borders, 3-million unvetted illegals, greedy union elites (the union members are patriots), CRT, tens of thousands of Americans and allies left behind enemy lines to be tortured and killed in Afghanistan, soaring tax increases on the little people (inflation is only one of them), homelessness, illegals bankrupting state budgets, defund police, corrupt Big Tech & Big Pharma, Russia declaring war on Ukraine, China moving in on Tai Wan, North Korea firing seven ballistic missiles, renewing the Iran Deal (biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world), absurd “Green New Deal”, China/Russia partnership, Fake News aiding & abetting all of the above, no due process, K-Street salivating, socialism/communism flourishing, “domestic terrorist” parents and truck drivers, crime crisis, no bail, corrupt (Soros-owned) District Attorneys, Fentanyl deaths up 1000%, cartels firing across Rio Grande at Americans and Russia murdering thousands of innocent men, women and children. ETC.