As Russia threatens Ukraine, its Parliament voted to have a 30-day emergency right for citizens to bear arms. Wow! Meanwhile, some politicians try to sell us on the lie that Ukraine is a democracy. Hopefully, those poor souls had already purchased guns to bear before this emergency order! Americans are incredibly blessed to have the Second Amendment to their “Constitution of the United States of America”. Let Ukraine be a warning. Who knows what Burisma Energy purchased by paying Hunter $80,000/month to sit on its corrupt board? Imagine if Don Jr. had done what Hunter has gotten away with! According to George Kent, former State Dept. official, said “Hunter’s presence on Burisma Energy board, he severely damaged anti-corruption in Eastern Europe.

Sadder yet, none of these (domestic and foreign) humanity disasters would be happening if Trump was still President. Democrats, allies and adversaries see what We the People are seeing! Everyone knew a Biden Puppet Show would hurt, but no one saw it coming that it could do so much damage so quickly! The Obama Puppet Show wrought Russia Crimea. As long as these clowns are in power, Putin won’t be stopping his regime building at Ukraine’s door.

Biden is too cognitively gone to have his mitts on the nuke button; Kamala is a cackling fool; and Nancy Pelosi (3rd in line) could care less about the little people (including thousands of drugged, homeless people in her own district). All she wants is money, power and global love. What a mess Democrats have inflicted on legal Americans. Even though they’ll never admit, they know what they created … either purposefully or stupidly. It’s all about Population Control … period!