Some Democrats, such as Sheila Jackson, speak straight into a news camera “there is no open border”. It is stunning that they get-away with it. When the White House was shown bodycam footage of passengers deplaning and speaking on-mic at an airport in Westchester County, New York, during the dark, middle of the night, Psaki denied it! Have Democrats decided that We the People are dumber than a stump? It would seem so.

Middle-of-the-night flights have been going-on for months. However, what is particularly scary now, is that Democrats are not just sneaking-in families. Flights are leaving southern border states for various destinations across the country with every passenger being an adult, young man. Those are exactly the qualifications for deportation under Title 42. Everyone should call their so-called elected representatives, especially Democrats, to find out exactly what the heck is going on!

Also, on the same subject as denying what is right before everyone’s eyes, Jerry Nadler claims “Antifa is a myth!” Even though there are hours and hours of footage, Democrats deny that there were 540 riots during the Summer of 2020. Dozens of innocents were murdered, and more than 1,000 police officers were injured. Businesses, including high-end stores, were completely looted, costing $$-billions. Hundreds of businesses were burned … some to the ground … including a police precinct when people were still inside. The carnage occurred in anti-Trump, Democrat-run cities.