In the dead of night, federal contractors are secretly transporting young, single, illegal men, into American cities at taxpayers’ expense. According to Title 42, single men, coming-in illegally, are immediately deported. That’s not happening. Biden’s 58th E.O. might discontinue it altogether. Beware!

Taxpayers pay contractors for bus rides from the border to a tarp-covered, parking garage in another town. Journalists, Congressional representatives, etc. are not allowed inside or even to peek inside. From there, uber drivers chauffer them to an airport for an expensive, charter flight to a state of their choice … again, at taxpayers’ expense.

Once there, taxpayers pay to transport the illegals to pre-arranged accommodations (better than what homeless veterans receive). They’re given money for food or whatever. It’s Obama’s “Catch and Release” program, which Trump had ended. It is guess-timated by border patrol that illegals are flowing into the United States from more than 150 countries and more than two million are already here.

Orders for this national security breach are coming from the White House. Biden’s open borders policy puts America Last. It encourages bad guys, including those from China, Iran, North Korea, Russia and other countries, which hate our guts. An open border policy annihilates national security and destroys America’s sovereignty. Under Biden, American citizens are dropping like flies. National Security is a president’s #1 responsibility! All Biden had to do was nothing and keep Trump’s safety nets in place!