Randy May … shared a memory … 12/27/2019

Staring into a cloud covered 2 AM sky with FB asking me “what’s on your mind Randy?”. More like “what’s in your mind Randy?” … “What’s in your heart?”. The simple answer being “infinity”, the wisdom and the common sense of all that has ever been, written in a binary system of “yes” and “no”, black and white. The eternal question, that has plagued the spiritually aware since the dawn of time is, how to communicate this to an arrogant, and therefore, ignorant by choice, human race, using ridiculously inadequate techniques, such as the spoken and written words of languages, incapable of conveying God’s Love, much less the essence of all that has ever been. We are so caught up in a physical world of our own creation, thinking somehow the answers can be found in man’s knowledge. One answer might be that there are no answers, because there are no questions. Is it any wonder why I have always been considered “strange”, or more politically correct “different”? Aah, the joy of a 4 AM sky.