We the People are under siege. Biden’s administration is a 3rd term for Barack Obama. Obama never knew that he was a puppet. It is obvious that Biden is, but he’s too far into dementia to know it. Obama set the stage.

Rothschilds (central banks aka the Fed) and the Vatican are at the top of money control. After that, 7 or 8 big foundations (such as Rockefeller, Gates and Kellogg) are part of shrewd central banking schemes. They funnel huge sums of money down the ranks to likes of George Soros to dole out to further the elitist’s agenda for “Population Control”, ie. …

1) Language manipulation … “woke”. Millions of illegals cannot speak

English (pouring-in over open border from 150-plus different countries but they can vote);

2) Seizing property;

3) Seizing guns;

4) Execution of American citizens … LaVoy Finicum. Obama’s drone

victims … AG Holder declared that he and Obama had authority to

carry-out unwarranted executions;

5) False imprisonment … 37people from Jan. 6th are in solitary confinement in

cold, dank cells, tortured, beaten, & no due process. Bundy family and friends

held behind bars without trials. Due Process is the cornerstone of


6) The bankers, who want population control, have had media control for

20 years. 95% of media is owned by 5 corporations. Through U.N.,

Obama tried to take-over the internet;

7) Surveillance grids and snitch programs;

8) Pre-dawn invasions on American citizens by fully-armed SWAT teams;

9) Control over conservatives (even religious) via 501©3 indefinitely.

These are just a few tenets of Martial Law. Covid-19 and variants are the excuse for it. On 12/27/2021, Biden signed National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law, allowing indefinite imprisonment of American citizens without due process. It is, not only unconstitutional, but it also is downright scary. We the People and our Constitution of the United States of America are under attack.