Another day, another Biden embarrassment … “For the unvaccinated, you are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.”

Newt Gingrich’s response “Press. Biden’s warning of a ‘winter of severe illness and death’ makes Pres. Jimmy Carter’s ‘malaise’ speech, urging Americans to lower expectations’, seem a cheerful-upper by contrast. Democrats are running as the party of ‘severe illness and death’? This is madness!”

It is not as if campaign-Biden’s dementia wasn’t visible … even when the Democrats’ primary line-up was first on stage. He’s the one, who, very animatedly and dramatically, said “be sure the kids listen to the phonograph before bed … they need to hear words!”. It went downhill from there. He promised to raise taxes and have open borders.

Who voted for him? That’s who we really need to fear!