Can’t Make-Up This Stuff …

Buttigieg says Americans won’t have to worry about gas prices if they buy electric cars.  He didn’t mention how much we would be paying for electricity to charge those cars. Biden’s incompetent administration purposefully eliminated Trump’s pro-America energy independence, leading to skyrocketing gas prices.  They, including Montana Senator Jon Tester, stupidly destroyed high paying XL pipeline jobs and bankrupted hundreds of small businesses along its route. Why? … to peddle electric vehicles? But, not to worry, Biden’s Build Back Better (BBBB) legislation claims that it will provide an untold number of new job openings, such as those for installing electric plug-in stations and building windmills.  In the meantime, former XL pipeline workers are struggling to feed their families, even more-so with Biden’s inflation. Tester is supporting liberal ideologies rather that realistic needs of the Montana families he is supposed to be representing.

During congressional hearings, one of Biden’s preposterously un-American appointees admitted “we want to bankrupt oil, gas and coal industries”. To his credit, Tester verbally joined Republicans on the committee in pushing-back on that absurdity. Watch and see if he puts his vote where his mouth is.

Buttigieg continued, “in effect, BBBB will give a $12,500 tax credit” and a “$4,000 incentive to purchase electric vehicles”. Buyers get “another $5,000 discount if the battery is U.S.-made and the auto maker uses a union workforce”. If Trump showed such bias, he’d be slammed as racist. In a sane world, most people know that electric vehicles cost $50,000-plus, no matter who makes them.  The average low or middle class American cannot afford an electric car.

The Transportation Secretary, excitedly, touted that “rural people will gain the most out of getting rid of their combustion engine vehicles!” … “They have the longest distances to drive and burn the most gas”.  We can’t argue with that.  Rural folks apparently have plenty of extra time to wait for an electric car to charge.  To fully charge an electric vehicle can take most of two days.  Partially charging can take 10 hours for 50 miles worth of driving time.  Drivng 50 miles won’t get many rural people to the nearest grocery store.  I guess we can use our government incentives to pay for hotel rooms while our cars are charging.

By the way, ask your nearest libtard, electric car pushing, associate what makes electricity.  They would love to tell you it comes from windfarms and solar.  The reality is that most electricity comes from coal and coal causes more pollution than the oil and natural gas they are trying to eliminate.