Guess what Biden’s CDC Director, Dr. Walensky, answered as to why so many healthcare workers would rather lose their job than take the VAX?  “Their loss is a challenge.” Never mind that most un-VAX’d have already had the “China Virus” or have pertinent health conditions or have ideological concerns or are against VAX-mandates (our body, our choice) in an American-styled “republic” (not the “banana” kind).

Who invented the term “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” anyway? Biden’s press secretary admitted that American citizens are mandated to be vaccinated, but the tens of thousands of foreigners, who are pouring illegally across the border and released into America, are not. How can that be?!

So, what’s going on? Vaccinations are not typically the most profitable product for pharmaceutical companies. However, COVID vaccines are exponentially different. In 2020, to turn-out emergency, life-saving drugs, American taxpayers paid handsomely for Research & Development. So far, in quarterly 2021 reports, Big Pharma “profit machines”, such as Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca (Oxford), minted at least 10 new pharma-billionaires and delighted shareholders, lobbyists, bureaucrats, administration appointees and corrupt elected officials, beyond their wildest dreams. Variants and boosters will keep on coming and so should taxpayers’ contacts with their elected representatives.