Remember when Pelosi declared that Trump would never get so much as $1 for his border wall? So, to get around her, Trump proposed transferring pentagon-budgeted funds to an account for the wall … after all, protecting borders is a major security issue. A lousy DOJ and a Democrat-appointed California 9th Circuit Court judge, shot-down that idea. After almost three more years of butting heads with Pelosi, Trump found a way to pay for it and wall construction began.

Trump negotiated his “Remain in Mexico” plan. By it, Mexico agreed to pay for 28,000 troops to guard the construction sites and other weak border points. Additionally, Mexico’s president agreed to house and feed tens of thousands of migrants before they could cross the border in an orderly manner. That was huge! It bought time for overwhelmed immigration judges and border patrol agents. Keeping Americans safe is the primary job of every president. Doing less is unconstitutional. On Day 1 in the Oval Office, Biden ended all of it.

A federal court ordered Biden to reinstate Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy. He ignores it. On Oct. 5, 2021, SCOTUS overruled California’s 9th Circuit … a day late and a dime short! Trump’s idea was lawful. The bottom line is that wall construction could safely have begun years earlier, saving countless lives and avoiding a humanitarian crisis. Money for the wall is there … prepaid building supplies are there … prepaid contracts are there. If wall construction doesn’t get an immediate go-ahead, more blood is on the hands of Pelosi and her band of naysayers, who are against all-things-Trump, regardless of the effect on citizens.