Book Review … “Zero Fail the Rise and Fall of the Secret Service

If you like Bob Woodward’s books, you’ll like this one. It’s garbage! Its author, Carol Leonnig, seemingly, hates Trump’s “racist” supporters, as well as him!

Trump walked to St. John’s Church after paid protestors burned it, passing the park where a few of them were still encamped. Without knowing that he would be there, Park Police were finishing-up their job of dispersing them. Trump held-up a Bible in front of the old landmark. God bless him! 70-million patriots, who love God and America, were very proud of him. As always, anti-Trump “Fake News” had to distort it. They accused Trump of forcing Secret Service agents to pepper-gas protestors and explode rubber bullets at people … a lie.

That’s just one example of Leonnig embellishing what’s already fake! Sizzle sells! By the end of it, Obama is a hero and Trump is a scumbag! Worse yet, she declares to the world that the agency is woefully unprepared for a serious attack! That may or may not be true. But, it is the last thing America, her enemies and allies, need to presume right now!