On Biden’s watch, America is under siege: college campuses … fake news … Orwellian politics … big pharma … “K” Street … southern border crisis … thousands of Americans/green card holders & Afghan allies left behind enemy lines (being beheaded, appendages amputated, rampant executions, raped, tortured) … sanctuary cities … Soros’s dark money trails … Alinsky antics … China/Russia/Iran nuclear super sonics …supply-chain crisis … democracy vs. socialism/communism … Critical Race Theory … anti-American ideology … erasing history … inflation/ stagflation … due process … 1st Amendment … 2nd Amendment … 10th Amendment … 14th Amendment … spiking crime … voting fraud … parents labeled “domestic terrorists” … soaring taxes (not just for “$400K & up” people) … global taxes … other massive taxes … babel-like changing vocabulary & speech codes … energy crisis (anti-fossil fuels & begging OPEC to help) … Fauci’s China Virus and lies … health mandates … K-16 indoctrination … Fentanyl-death crisis … illegals pouring-into & across USA without vetting … lockdowns (small businesses bankrupt) … school boards covering-up rape & CRT … academic metric-backslides (perfor-mance testing crisis) … brutal abortion industry … Kamala’s no bail and pro-abortion edicts … months of solitary confinement without charges on innocents … empty shelves … up to $940 theft allowed … ghoulish pre-dawn raids on pro-Trumpers … Hillary/ Hunter/Pelosi/Swalwel/FangFang/Obama/Comey/Brennan/ Susan Rice/Ron Klein/Jen’s lies & cynicism … Dominion/Pelosi/Feinstein/Italian-connections … private property seizures … climate change … Black Lives Matter … Antifa … defunding police/ICE/military … slave trade … Big Brother IRS surveillance (hiring 850K more IRS agents) … Green New Deal … weaponizing FBI & IRS … pathetic American intel surprised by China’s hypersonic missile and a cognitively-impaired president.

Let’s Go, Brandon!!