At a recent press conference, Pelosi ripped Fake News (FN) for not doing a better job of selling Biden’s policies. It was as if she was scolding her own employees! That’s rich! Isn’t she our employee and one, who is not doing a very good job of selling our priorities? One journalist asked what she meant. Angrily, she “reminded” everyone that Biden has “3-buckets of priorities … climate change, affordable healthcare, jobs, Medicare and Medicaid”. Hmmm … fuzzy math. Biden often claims that “ridding us of white supremacy” is a national priority. What happened to that bucket?!

Meanwhile, it’s Day 54 for thousands of Americans, green card holders, allies, and their families, who are being held hostage behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. Where’s their bucket? Taliban terrorists are raping, dismembering, beheading and torturing them in public squares. Biden, Democrats (including Tester) and other swamp rats, have not once mentioned them since they left them behind. It’s a sick, on-going, unconscionable crime! Worse yet, Biden and his gang of outlaws gave the Taliban the contact information and biometrics for those poor souls! If that isn’t treason, what is?

God bless and pray for former special forces, who are putting their own lives at risk with rescue attempts. God bless and pray for wealthy patriots, who are financially supporting their rescue missions. God bless and pray for the thousands of men, women and children, who were betrayed by America’s government.