Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) for the District of Columbia denied Judicial Watch’s (JW) two, approved FOIA requests for all records, including, but not limited to, autopsy reports, toxicology reports, photographs, notes and electronic communications, including those with Speaker Pelosi, related to Brian Sicknick’s death on Jan. 7, 2021. No response.

JW filed lawsuits to obtain the FOIA-subpoenaed information regarding Sicknick’s death. After still no response, JW recently asked the court for defendants’ discovery. Again, it was “crickets”. However, pressure from FOIAs and JW’s lawsuits helped lead to the disclosure that Sicknick died of natural causes on Jan. 7th as the result of two strokes … no physical injuries.

It speaks volumes that, since then, initial reports from the New York Times and other Fake News media outlets concerning Officer Sicknick’s death have subsequently been corrected and revised. He was not beaten to death with a fire extinguisher, as they erroneously parroted. While Capitol Police are supervised by Pelosi, she is an employee of the American people, who deserve to know what really happened in their Capitol Building.