America is exceptional! It is not Nazism or Communism or Socialism. It is a republic, which runs on the concept of democracy. It supports life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  American citizens vote for other American citizens, who will represent those freedoms.  People from across the entire world are flocking to America’s currently open borders because of this exceptionalism.

To keep America as wonderful as it is, K-12 students must receive an historically accurate, patriotic education.  People who are not proud patriotic Americans should never be allowed to teach precious children otherwise. While America’s history is too rich, deep, and varied to be captured in one story, this series provides a tiny bit of it on a small plate.

For good and for bad, the 17 ships of Columbus’ uncelebrated return voyage to the Americas began a worldwide evolution to astonishing ends. Out of the myriad crops of the Americas, two: corn and potatoes, spread so widely that they became staples of human survival. Kernels of New World corn became a yellow currency more valuable to the well-being of the world than nuggets of gold. Potatoes kept famine from European villages. Sweet potatoes eased China’s dependence on rice. Gradually, America’s Great Plains became the “Breadbasket of the World”.

While citizens of socialist and communist countries are starving, the free Republic of America is feeding the world.