Randy May … March 5, 2021 … and, then, a shared memory from March 5, 2018 …

This is yet another of those majestic morning masterpieces, enhanced by low-hanging cloud, to be sure to take all your soul can handle and share it with a smile.

Memory …

4 AM was chunks of a cloud, each with a silver lining, courtesy of the 2/3/18 moon. By 5 AM, the chunks were coming together to create a blanket. At 6 AM, the gap between the eastern horizon and a strata of deep purple cloud was just enough to watch the kaleidoscope of orange, pinks and magenta, announcing the new day. We, as a group, decided to invest our time watching the sun rise. Time well spent! The things a man treasures defines him. I wake every morning, locked in a vault with these gifts from God. Scout and I do our best to share. Our cup runneth over; please take as much as you want. Love you, Scout.


Randy May … March 13, 2021 …

An almost full moon forces its way through the thin clouds at 2, 3 and 4 AM. Standing in the filtered lunar light with Scout, Dixie and Kit, is nothing short of perfect. Learn to see your blessings.