March 18, 2021
(406) 442-6469


Sen. Tester Confirms Pro-Abortion, Medicare For None Advocate Xavier Becerra

HELENA – Senator Jon Tester, alongside every single Senate Democrat, today unanimously voted to confirm radical liberal Xavier Becerra to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Throughout his career, Becerra hassued nuns for practicing their religious freedoms, pushed forward abortion-on-demand policies, supported givingfree health care to illegal immigrants, and has made clear his intention to overhaul our nation’s health care system into Medicare For None, and defended China’s record of human rights abuses.
MTGOP Chairman Don “K” Kaltschmidt released the following statement in response:
“By confirming Xavier Becerra’s nomination, Senator Tester abandoned Montana values and has made clear that he stands with Becerra’s far-left, anti-life policies that fly in the face of the vast majority of Montanans,” said Chairman Don “K” Kaltschmidt.“Senator Tester must answer for confirming the most radical HHS secretary in American history and repeatedly putting Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer’s far-left agenda before Montana. This is just the latest example of Senator Tester defying the will of Montana voters and trading his boots in for flip-flops.”
U.S. Senator Steve Daines today voted against the confirmation of President Biden’s Health and Human Services Secretary nominee Xavier Becerra and also released the following statement:
“Xavier Becerra has made a career out of defending the abortion industry and promoting far-left priorities like free healthcare for illegal immigrants. He has shown that he will take this agenda so far as to infringe on religious freedoms,” Senator Steve Daines said. “While I hope he does not weaponize this $1.3 trillion department to impose his progressive agenda on the country, I will do all I can as founder of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus and member of the Senate Finance Committee to prevent that. We can’t allow an unelected bureaucrat to compel Montana taxpayers to fund abortion or subsidize healthcare for illegal immigrants.”