When Jill Sanborn, Asst. Director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Unit, testified before Senate Rules and Homeland Security committees, regarding the Jan. 6, 2021 capitol invasion, she admitted that no firearms were confiscated. That shot a hole in the “armed insurrection” narrative. Unarmed Ashli Babbit, who stood quietly watching the mayhem, was shot and killed by a capitol policeman. She was the only person killed by gunfire and by the only shot fired during the event.  Three others died of stress-induced heart attacks. One officer was allegedly killed by a fire extinguisher beat-down, a tale later found to be false. An investigation is underway.

More than 95% of the 100,000, pro-Trump crowd in DC that fateful day were patriotic Amercans. Trump spoke to them before they marched to the capitol building, asking that they remain peaceful.  Even as he spoke, a well-planned insurrection, executed by well-paid thugs, was already underway. Unlike Pelosi, Trump had no warning about what was coming.

Pelosi knew trouble was coming. But, she played it down to her capitol police. While Antifa radicals, wearing MAGA hats and other pro-Trump garb, were televised angrily breaking into a window, other cameras caught capitol police opening doors for the creeps. Wearing MAGA hats is straight out of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Revolution”, page 43, (ie. make it look as if Trump-supporters were doing the bad stuff). Meanwhile, outside, the legitimate peaceful, patriotic pro-Trumpers, stood in dismay.