In 1917, Woodrow Wilson called for New World Order (NWO); in 1938, Adolph Hitler, via “Mein Kampf, called for NWO; and, in 1968, Nelsen Rockefeller, championing Rothschild’s banking empire (Central Banks), called for NWO. December 16, 2016, to appease globally-based “Swamp elitists”, Obama signed a law supporting New World Order for the next 8 years.

Sandwiched in the middle of Obama/Biden’s 969-page “Defense Authorization Act” is the creation of a “Global Engagement Center” (GEC). Whenever words and phrases such as “fact-based narratives”, “disinformation”, “propaganda”, “chaos”, and “national security interests”, are from irrefutable sources (such as “anonymous”), they mean whatever the GEC wants them to mean.

The “Ministry of Truth” in George Orwell’s book, titled “1984” (written 70+ years ago), relied on “group-think” and burning books for dumbing-down students and population control. Both curriculum and school choice were verboten. Similarly, GEC became in charge of “correcting” present and past records (ie. changing history).

NWO-required indoctrination includes a “common core” type of curriculum” and the disallowance of any K-12 education other than that taught in public schools. Already taxpayer-paid elites control those taxes and decide what is best for the minds and money of the ‘little people’.  Courts, due process, creative thinking and Christianity are being slowly eroded and kicked to the curb.