Slavery spans cultures, nationalities and religions (not race or skin color) all the way back into ancient times. Noah was the world’s first farmer; and slavery victims began with his grandson Canaan. Other than child labor and sex slaves, slavery has always been prominent in agricultural and pyramid-building areas.

Fast forward to 2019, when Al Sharpton demanded that Democrat presidential candidates support “reparations”. Most of them hopped right onto the idea. A new entitlement is always welcome! But, from what century does this new one begin? Which skin colors are eligible? Since human trafficking (aka tax-free slavery sales) works best with Democrat supported open borders, the devil’s in the details.

Pelosi’s already set-up a “reparations commission” … for what? It can’t be to guesstimate how many $-trillions Sharpton’s lunacy will cost. Even to start “money-guessing”, they’d need a decent approximation of both modern-day and olden-day victims … not to mention a really long list of names and addresses!