Tell-all books make big bucks so it is no surprise that less-than-honorable author wanna-a-bees grind them out as fast as you can say “Liar, liar, pants on fire.”  With tell-alls, anyone can say almost anything about anyone, considered slander in other venues, and forget due process or verification. For example, if it takes more fiction than truth to fit an agenda, so be it. Fact or fiction, tell-alls spread a narrative and make big bucks so they’ll keep on coming!

Omissions and censorship are tell-alls as well. If something doesn’t fit a particular narrative, it will never be mentioned or brought to light.

No matter how intentional or unintentional, tell-alls can be a warning sign. Hitler’s Mein Kampf revealed his sick, anti-semantic ideologies. Engels’ and Marx’s Communist Manifesto unveiled their frightening objectives.

In 1995, Barry Sotero (aka Barack Obama) wrote a tell-all titled Dreams From My Father. Like Mein Kampf and Communist Manifesto, his tell-all inadvertently made it clear that he’s not too crazy about “L.A.P.D.” and “whitey”, even though his mother was white. “I chose my friends carefully … politically active black students, Marxist professors, structural feminists … We smoked cigarettes and discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fannon, Eurocentrism, patriararchy…..”  Obama’s promise to ‘fundamentally change America’ was not a declaration of devotion to freedom, liberty, and the values upon which our great country was founded.  No, it , along with his tell-all, Dreams From My Father, are a warning of his true  motive of destroying the America we love and replacing it with a communist nightmare.  Beware!!!