So far, Montana Democrats are in lock-step with one of Soros’s and MoveOn’s pet projects … “defunding police”.  Usually, all Montanans are patriotic and have more common sense than to side with a far-left, anarchist absurdity, such as kicking law enforcement to the curb.  Police protection is a non-partisan, non-racial necessity for democracy.
Within hours of Black Lives Matters’ defunding demand, two, Democrat-run, Montana towns hopped-to.  Like “Defund Police”, BLM is sponsored by Soros and MoveOn.  Bozeman diverted $61,000, which was earmarked for a new police cruiser, to anti-discriminations training costs for its police force.  Helena announced plans to defund it police department by $300,000.
In D.C., it’s been crickets from every Democrat senator (including Tester).  But, Republicans lost no time responding.  Sen. Daines said, “The safety of our community should not be political … I fully support our law enforcement”.  Silence from Dem. Bullock.  Rep Gianforte said, “I will oppose any and all efforts to defund and abolish law enforcement.”  Silence from Dem. Cooney.  Rosendale said, “I strongly oppose efforts to abolish, defund or take resources away from law enforcement”.  Silence from Dem. Williams.
From Montana’s AG race, Austin Knudsen said “[‘defund police’] is not only foolish, it’s dangerous.  Montana is experiencing a steep increase in violent crime … up 36% since 2013 … reducing law enforcement presence in Montana is the last thing we should be doing.”  Silence from Dem. Graybill.