Republicans’ MAGA theme continues for 2020. Dems’ theme is called “Unity Plan”: In addition to AOC’s “Green New Deal” (GND), it consists of …

· 100 day pause on all deportations;

· Open borders, ports of entry and detention;

· Repeal travel bans and take-in illegal foreign nationals;

· And, greatly increase America’s refugee intake to 125,000 … highest since mid-1990s (Trump’s cap is 18,000 per year);

· Gut ICE;

· No push-back on “sanctuary cities”;

· Going light on China, eliminating tariffs (basically turning-over U.S.’s economy to China by its pre-Trump theft of U.S. products and jobs);

· Banning all automatic weapons … “Beto in charge of gun confiscation” in accordance with Far Left’s recommended gun control measures;

· AOC in charge of “climate change”, ie. her GND; and

· Cutting “God” out of Dems’ platform; mostly to appease Rashida Tlaib’s and Bernie’s anti-Semite, Socialist”, anti-Christian and anti-Jewish agenda;

· Replace “Star Spangle Banner” with “Lean On Me”;

· Reparations; and

· Due process!

Basically, destroy America as we know it. One goal, which has already begun, is to insure that the clock-runs-out on Benghazi, especially Barack’s (aka “Barry’s”), Hillary’s and Biden’s involvement. Another clock-running-out goal is to cover-up and forever bury, “Crossfire Hurricane”, especially Barack’s and Biden’s involve-ment.