Once again, Pelosi has been caught in an absurd attempt to sneak major pork; such as AOC’s Green New Deal, govt. funded abortions, and her other K Street absurdities, which have nothing to do with Coronavirus, into her 1,400 page, $3-trillion COVID-19 bill.  American retirees would get screwed, while illegals would receive lots of free stuff.  This pork fiesta could rob hard working Americans of their IRAs, 401Ks, and even pensions. It’s obscene! Any member of the house of Congress who voted for this regurgitated puke should stop receiving a salary and other elitist benefits

Trump’s economic team want a payroll tax cut, which would help the middle class and small businesses. Republicans also want to fund labs, which are working on COVID-19 necessities. Pelosi wants none of it.

Steve Scalise said that “Republicans are ready to work with Democrats on serious solutions”. Pelosi refuses to allow the House to negotiate with the Senate or House Republicans. Unlike Pelosi, Mitch McConnell wants “no more breaks for Congress until a bill for the American people is done.