Occasionally we like to share initiatives or petitions that we think might be of value to you. Currently, in accordance with what President Trump has stated (along with a number of state governors), businesses and churches are looking to open back up in the near future — in a safe manner.

Many churches have come under fire for continuing to have church — even doing it in a safe manner such as a drive in church (where everyone stayed in their car or remained at least 6 feet apart in chairs outside of their cars). Liberty Counsel, along with a number of other legal groups that help to promote and protect religious freedom, has provided great information for churches and pastors during this shut-down on their legal and Constitutional rights. They currently have an initiative, ReOpen Church (reopenchurch.org), encouraging churches to reopen the weekend of May 2nd and 3rd (in alignment with when President Trump has said churches can open). They provide several options that the church can consider when opening, along with what their Constitutional rights are. Mat Staver, president of Liberty Counsel, has done a video giving great insight on why the church is essential and on why it’s vital to ReOpen Church (reopenchurch.org).

Additionally, if you’re a small business owner, or just a citizen ready to get back to work and who may be feeling frustrated with the current shutdown, you’re not alone! Right now, small businesses are facing overwhelming hardships; even as businesses begin to slowly and gradually reopen, it is still a slow process and many small businesses are greatly suffering. We encourage you to support your local businesses by getting your everyday items (or even gift cards for future purchases) from them. There is also a petition you could sign (https://patriotbusinessalliance.com/) to reopen America’s businesses.

Whether you choose to attend church on May 2nd or 3rd, or whether or not you feel businesses should be opening again, it’s important that we understand what our Constitutional rights are! How familiar are you with those rights? You can check out some resources and fun questions (https://wallbuilders.com/much-know-constitution/) we have on the Constitution!