Pelosi jetted back to D.C. from another vacation just in time to stop the $2-trillion, which was ready to go-out to tens of millions of hurting Americans! The House has the power of the purse and she runs it with an iron fist. Before signing, Queen Pelosi wanted big chunks of completely unrelated pork. She is pure evil. Shame on Democrats for letting her get away with it! Not one … not one!!! … had the people’s interests in their money-covered souls!

So, what was so important? First on her wish list was the Green New Deal! That ought to scare the daylights out of every American, especially farmers and ranchers. But, there’s more … changes in election laws, more tax credits for wind and solar energy, hundreds of $-millions to various arts and endowments.

Pelosi should be locked-up; but, to shut her up, negotiators threw her a bone … $25-million to NYC’s Kennedy Center … never mind that its members are mostly pseudo-artsy millionaires and billionaires. Before the ink dried, it laid-off its musicians and other employees … nice.

She’s licking her lamb chops (no cows) for Phase IV! Watch for it … and, if Tester will take your calls (probably at his $850,000 D.C. home), let him know what you think about Pelosi Pork.