I wrote a post yesterday (***), at the end of which I stated the fact that any veteran voting democrat was a traitor. To which, an old high school classmate answered,”calling all Never Trumper veterans traitors is a bit over the top. For God’s sake Randy…get some sleep” ( in reference to the fact that I get only a few hours sleep each night…thank you Vietnam). I responded to John thusly: ‘John, follow me here< FACT-Socialism/communism and Islam, are all sworn enemies of America. FACT-. Democrats are self professed socialists and their platform and policies are socialist . Fact- Your military oath requires you to defend the constitution from enemies, both foreign and domestic, FACT- To accept or support a democrat is aiding and abetting an enemy of the US, and, by simple definition,is to commit treason. Therefore, Any veteran voting for a democrat is a traitor. Wake up John and help us save America.’

***Just ran into an 82 year old woman that did 2 tours in Vietnam,(as a nurse in Saigon), and was a “never Trumper”. Goes without saying we had a discussion,(well, as much of a discussion as one can have with the uninformed ) It was a sad statement about 1/2 the voters in America. Any veteran voting socialist is a traitor.

I am embarrassed for all who vote democrat. They disgrace themselves and this country. The lack of character, integrity, and intelligence is pathetically displayed by such as Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Bennie Thompson, Al Green, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, and all the rest of the lowlife idiots representing the Democratic, nee Socialist, nee Communist Party. No where is it more obvious than on the democrat presidential debate stage! I cringe to think of any of them running this country. It is never too late for you democrat useful idiots to choose to be Americans, and join the movement supporting Trump and this nation.