Somehow it got buried in the “impeachment” nonsense last week … the Senate passed a resolution to terminate Trump’s National Emergency Declaration on the southern border.  The bill was presented by Udall (D-NM) and co-sponsored by Shaheen (D-NH) and Collins (RINO-ME).  Collins is up against a tough re-election!  The usual RINOs, Romney, Lee, Toomey and Murkowski, went along with destroying another item for which We the People elected Trump to do.
Schumer said “I don’t think anyone, no matter what state they’re from, will want to see money being taken away from military installations, [which is] very much needed.”  Don’t forget that Schumer and his puppets (like Tester) are, also, among the Democrats, who claim that people would be happy to have their taxes raised in order to receive so many of the wonderful, public benefits being proposed by their  2020 candidates.
The best address for Trump is Trump for President, c/o Trump Tower, 725 Fifth Ave., NY, NY 10022.  If you’d like to send donations, words of encouragement and prayers.  “They” still don’t “get it” that he’s standing-up for us.  God bless him.