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What’s New:This week I reintroduced the Academic Partnerships Lead Us to Success Act (A-PLUS), a bill that would give Montanans more say over how their tax dollars are spent on education. It allows states to escape from misguided Washington mandates and restores local control over K-12 education decisions.

Why it Matters:

The A-PLUS act would give Montana educators and administrators more control over classroom spending and ensure greater public transparency about the use of federal education funds and student academic achievement. Local education leaders and parents—not Washington bureaucrats—are best suited to make education policies for their communities. It is time to restore local control.

What’s Next:

I’m glad that many of my U.S. Senate colleagues have joined me in supporting this legislation. I will continue to build the case for more local control over education and fight to move this important bill through the legislative process.

Best Wishes,

Steve Daines
United States Senate