While Pres. Trump was overseas for D-Day commemoration, Pelosi announced that she “wanted to see Trump in prison”. Democrats leaked her feelings to Fake News for the world to see. Up to now, Pres. Trump has been tolerant of her obvious public disdain for him (aka “us”); but, once back on American soil, he fired back. Good job! Now, she says “I’m done with Trump”. Really? Isn’t working with him part of a Speaker’s job description? What an embarrassment to House Democrats if she’s the best they can elect as their leader! Worse yet, the cowards are, seemingly, afraid to replace her.

She hates Trump more than she loves this country. For her, it’s personal, not patriotic. Per 1600 border patrol agents, there’s a crisis on our southern border. Yet, speaking for Democrats, she accuses the president of a “manufactured crisis” and vows that he (aka “us”) will never be allocated so much as a dime for adding a wall to other fortifications. Why not? Her San Francisco mansion and Napa Valley vineyard are surrounded by walls. They work well for keeping-out uninvited guests. Walls for her, but not for us.

Pelosi’s hatred for Trump sky-rocketed when he grounded her overseas junket for a “congressional delegation” on the taxpayers’ dollar. Forget temper tantrums; she went ballistic! Turns out that only seven of the 93 passengers were “congressional”. The other 86 were friends and relatives. The bill for Secret Service, gas, pilots, food, in-service attendants and everything else that comes with a big, fun, free trip, would have been way more expensive than we, every day, legal Americans could afford. Democrats have it wrong. Pres. Trump isn’t the one, who’s a disgrace!