Discussing the priorities of Montana Veterans at a recent hearing before the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee.


On April 30th, I urged the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Robert Wilkie, to increase outreach to Montana veterans. In 2016, Montana lost 42 veterans to suicide. I also stressed to him the need to ensure Blue Water Vietnam Veterans exposed to Agent Orange receive the treatment and care their counterparts who served onshore receive. Further, Secretary Wilkie provided updates on the Butte State Home funding, the Miles City Nursing Home and the implementation of the VA MISSION Act.


Brigadier General John Allen, providing updates on Malmstrom construction projects. 

On April 2nd, I met with Brigadier General John Allen, Air Force Director of Civil Engineers to discuss ongoing projects at Malmstrom Air Force Base and the Montana Air National Guard Headquarters in Great Falls. We also discussed needed upgrades to the Malmstrom fitness center to maintain readiness in the winter months when outdoor physical training isn’t an option.

On April 3rd, I met with Lieutenant General Gwen Bingham, Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, U.S. Army to discuss funding for our Montana National Guard Readiness Centers across the state.

On April 10th, I met with Chief Warrant Office 3, Jack Babon, and members of the Western Montana Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) to discuss MOAA’s legislative priorities.

On April 30th, I was honored to join Rear Admiral Chris Cole, USN (ret.) and members of the Association of the U.S. Navy for their annual Capitol Hill reception and speak on behalf of our Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans. We must ensure these veterans receive equitable treatment and the care they need.

Accepting the U.S. Navy award for the Blue Water Navy Act.


•  The Cadet Nurse Corps bravely served our country between the years of 1943 to 1948. To give them status as a veteran and eligibility for VA burial benefits, I joined Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA) on April 3rd to introduce the Cadet Nurse Corps Service Recognition Act.

• On April 10th, I joined Senator Gary Peters (MI) on the Brave Act of 2019 to increase the amounts payable for funeral service of non-service-connected deaths. This bill increases the $300 for non-service connected deaths to $749 to equal the benefit received if a veteran passes away in a VA facility.

• I was pleased to join Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) on April 11th to introduce the Blue Water Navy Act. This bill clarify presumptions relating to the exposure of certain veterans who served in the vicinity of the Republic of Vietnam.

• On April 29th, I joined Senator John Boozman’s (AR) S.Res. 135 to express the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and valor by the members of the United States Armed Forces who participated in the June 6, 1944, amphibious landing at Normandy, France.
Best Wishes,

Steve Daines
United States Senate