Improving trade with China

I recently traveled to China with other lawmakers to discuss trade issues with U.S. and Chinese officials. We had very promising talks with the U.S. ambassador and Chinese trade representatives.

It’s important we provide Montana farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, and businesses with the certainty they need and deserve. Just as we provided greater certainty to Montana’s ag producers with a new Farm Bill, we should provide greater certainty with trade.

I’ll continue pushing administration officials to wrap up negotiations and announce trade deals that combat unfair trade practices, level the playing field, and increase access to foreign markets for our Montana products.

Greg and other U.S. lawmakers meet with Chinese officials to discuss trade

Rejecting taxpayer-funded political campaigns

I think more Americans should vote and participate in our democracy. I also think every American’s vote deserves to be counted and protected. That’s where Congress should focus.

But I don’t think Congress should focus on providing taxpayer money to pay for politicians’ campaigns – their tv ads, mailers, and high-priced consultants.

That’s why I spoke out against taxpayer-funded political campaigns on the House floor.

I then voted against the highly-partisan bill, H.R. 1, that creates a 6-to-1 government match to any donor contribution of up to $200 in a federal election. For every $200 donation, the federal government will match $1,200.

I’ll continue standing with the vast majority of Montanans who oppose using taxpayer money to fund political campaigns.


Greg discusses federal regulations with an agriculture business operator in Circle

Bipartisan action to help small businesses and rural economy

A U.S. Department of Transportation’s mandate requires some commercial drivers to connect an electronic logging device (ELD) to a vehicle’s engine to record driving hours. This federal mandate is expensive and burdensome to Montana’s owner-operator, independent drivers. ELDs also put Montana livestock at risk.

I recently reintroduced two bipartisan measures with Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) to help reduce Washington red tape. These bills will help reduce the unnecessary burden this federal mandate pushes onto Montana’s small trucking operations, farmers, and ranchers.

Learn more about the Small Carrier Electronic Logging Device Exemption Act and the Agricultural Business Electronic Logging Device Exemption Act on my website.